I first made this Couscous Salad at Garorock, a few months ago.
We mostly ate at the festival’s food stalls, but figured our tummies wouldn’t be very happy with a sausage/fries/kabobs diet for 4 full days. Therefore, we were looking for healhy-ish things to prep at the camping… without being able to heat anything up, or to refrigerate stuff.
Before we went grocery shopping, our friend Laurent told us that you could prep couscous with room-temp water. Bingo ! Along with couscous, we chose a mixed vegetable can to get those greens in, and bought some mackerel in oil, lemon & thyme for the protein and to get an easy sauce -as olive oils are mostly sold in glass bottles, which are forbidden on festivals grounds.
This is barely a recipe, I know, but I figured it might be helpful :
- like us, if you’re going to a festival,
- if you’re a broke student looking for something cheap and nourishing,
- on a lazy summer night -3mn prep, no heat, the dream.
It is not worth a classic couscous salad of course, but sometimes it’s about real life cooking and a me-needs-eating-quick situation.
Festival Couscous Sald – Recipe
Ingredients – Where to find them
No difficulty whatsoever here !
Ingredients – Advice & key points
- You don’t really need any salt or olive oil, because of the salt canned goods contain, and the olive oil in the canned fish. Feel free to add some though if you can !
- Of course, considering everything is made out of canned/boxed goods, there are countless changes you could make :
- Fish : tuna, sardines, mackerel, shrimps… Anything works ! Do buy fish fillets if you can -it’s easier to make with boneless fish.
- Veggies : choose any canned ones you like ; you could also go for beans, lentils, etc.
Got everything you need ? Let’s go !

Festival Couscous Salad
This 3mn couscous salad recipe can come in handy, especially if you have no access to a fridge, nor a stove !
For the salad
Prep your couscous
To a mixing bowl, add your couscous.
Add cold or room temp water, following a 1:1 ratio with couscous.
Let the couscous sit and absorb the liquid for about 15 to 20mn.
If using warm tap water, it will only take around 5 minutes.Wrap it up !
Add your canned veggies and fish.
Et voilà !! You're done !