This lemony sweet shortcrust pastry recipe will be perfect for your sweet pies ! I love this as a base for fruit pies with custard, such as a delicious summery strawberry pie.
You can even directly use it to bake some sablés, which are delicious, buttery French biscuits.
This sweet shortcrust pastry is easy to make, and the supermarket ready-made versions cannot compare to this homemade one. Try it for yourself !
Lemony sweet shortcrust pastry – Recipe
Ingredients – Advice & key points
- You need to use room-temp butter, not melted ! Don’t even use a microwave to get it to room temp faster, it might ruin the dough’s texture.
- Do not knead the dough too long before putting it into the fridge, else the dough might harden.
- I like to flavour this dough with lemon zest, but this is optional.
Cooking & Serving your Lemony Sweet Shortcrust Pastry
- Bake at 180°C for around 15 to 20mn. I advise you to put :
- some parchment paper on your pies so that the dough doesn’t get too brown, and ;
- a few dried beans or lentils on this foil so that the dough doesn’t swell up.
- after 10 minutes, remove your parchment paper and beans/lentils and the pies will finish cooking nicely !
- Garnish with anything you wish for !
Lemony sweet shortcrust pastry
Your basic sweet shortcrust pastry, perfect with some fruits (and custard, yum).
Prep your sweet shortcrust pastry
To a large mixing bowl, add your flour, then your butter.
Mix a little then rub it between your hands until it becomes sand-like.
Add your sugar and salt. Rub again, making sure to remove most lumps.
Add your egg (slightly beaten in a separate glass ideally) and your lemon zest. Mix until you get a homegeneous dough and spread on a work surface.
Lightly knead. Do not overwork your dough ! As soon as it gets homogeneous, roll into a round or square shape, then wrap in cling film and refrigerate at least 30 minutes (ideally a full hour).
Cook your sweet shortcrust pastry
Preheat your oven to 180°.
Roll out the dough on a floured surface using a rolling pin.
If making tartlets, use a small glass to cut out some dough circles.
Line the tart tin with the pastry, fitting snugly around the base, and trim the edges if needed.
Covered with parchment paper and dried beans or lentils.
Bake the pastry for approximately 15 to 20 min at 180°. Keep the paper parchment for the first 10 minutes, then remove it so that the base cooks too.
Keep a close eye on the pastry so that it doesn't overcook and stays golden-brown!
Leave to cool for 15 minutes. Remove from the tin. Leave to call again until it reaches room temp (ideally on a wire rack but not necessarily).
Et voilà !! Your pie crust is ready to be used !
When rolling your dough, don't spread it too thin as the dough is fragile and might break. Besides, you can roll it out on the rolling pin before moving it to your tin, making it easier to transport it !