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Foolproof Mayonnaise

Bowl of homemade creamy mayonnaise
The French have a passion for mayonnaise. In decent French bistrots, you will always be served homemade mayonnaise with any dish containing meat and/or fries. Homemade mayonnaise's texture is just a dream. Thick but slick, eggy, rich and creamy, really in-between butter and oil. I'm not one to obssess over making everything from scratch, but here, the grocery store version and the homemade one are simply worlds apart. What's important is also that it doesn't take longer than 10 to 15 minutes from start to finish. Try it and see for yourself : I don't think you will ever go back to store-bought. I used to be intimated by the thought of making it. But since using this recipe, I have yet to fail and see my mayonnaise fall apart.

A few pieces of advice -to make sure it all goes well !

  • Your ingredients should all be at room temperature ideally.
  • Not only does the addition of vinegar and mustard bring some flavour and tang to this mayo ; they both act as stabilizers, which is why this mayonnaise is failproof.
  • The addition of salt -which acts as a biding agent- before starting to whisk also helps.
  • The most important thing to keep in mind is to pour your oil ever so slowly, especially at the beginning. It should trickle down in one thin drizzle. I also recommend pausing from time to time if you feel you've overdone it.
  • You can use a simple whisk -your arm will have to work hard, but it will be ok, especially if you make a few pauses. The trick then is to use a kitchen towel to secure your bowl, because your hands will be busy holding the oil and the whisk. Alternatively, and I tend to do it most of the times, use a hand mixer with the whisk part attached. It will still feel a bit heavy anyway, with the hand mixer in one hand and the oil in the other, but everything will be stable.
  • In case it goes haywire, it's possible to mix a small amount of botched mayonnaise with a fresh egg yolk in a clean bowl. Then gradually add the mayonnaise.
Now you're ready to slather the deliciousness all over your sandwiches, fries and into your salads.
Ratings 5 from 1 votes
Difficulty Beginner
Prep Time: 15 min Total Time: 15 mins
Servings 6
Best Season Suitable throughout the year

Out of only 4 basic pantry items besides s&p, get this eggy, rich and creamy mayonnaise. 

  • 2 egg yolks (separated from the whites)
  • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • 2 teaspoons white vinegar
  • 200 milliliters neutral oil
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 pinch pepper
  1. Whisk together your base

    Separate your egg yolks from your whites. Add your egg yolks to a bowl.

    Add your mustard and your vinegar.

    Whisk together (about 30 seconds).

  2. Emulsify !

    Secure your mixing bowl with a kitchen towel. 

    Add your oil, starting with a very small amount. Whisk for 30 seconds. 

    Keep pouring ever so slowly while simultaneously whisking. Stop pouring from time to time, but keep whisking. This way you make sure the mayo doesn't fall apart. 

    200ml of oil later, your mayo is ready ! 

    Et voilà !! You're done ! 

  • Your mayo will last 3 to 5 days in the fridge... if there's any leftover, which is unlikely ! 
Keywords: home made, condiment, pickle, sour, gourmet

Thank you for trying out this recipe ! Do not hesitate to leave some feedback. I hope it brightened your day.